

Cancel a Scheduled Event in Hasura
Jason BrownJason Brown

Hasura provides the ability to schedule HTTP events to be fired at a given date and time. We will use the /v1/query endpoint and the comment section to allow for cancelling events with an id that we create.

hasurascheduled eventcancel
Create a Task System with Unread Filtering and User Assignment in Hasura
Jason BrownJason Brown

We'll create a task system with permissions, unread task filtering and assigned task filtering all without a single line of code. Walking through the Hasura console creating the tables, relationships, and finally leveraging Hasura and its role based access control. We'll finish by showing off the GraphQL queries and mutations that you would use in your application.

How to Use Hasura with PostGIS
Jason BrownJason Brown

PostGIS makes querying by latitude and longitude easy. With Hasura's first class support for PostGIS we can add GIS abilities to GraphQL and make querying for data by location possible.

Why You Should Use Hasura
Jason BrownJason Brown

Hasura is an incredible new tool that offers an easier way to build an app faster and securely with flexibility when you need it. Including database migrations, websocket real time data, role base access controls, schedule events, cron jobs, and more.

It has become a swiss army knife of tooling with just the right amount of configuration, and escape hatches when you need to execute your own business logic.

Getting Started with Hasura Locally
Jason BrownJason Brown

Getting started with Hasura locally on your development machine can be accomplished in a few short minutes. It requires Docker, the Hasura CLI, and a docker-compose.yaml file provided by Hasura.

A few commands later and you have a full fledged GraphQL engine running connected to a Postgres database.

Setup Emotion to use Tailwind classes in Next.js
Jason BrownJason Brown

We'll examine how we can use Emotion, Tailwind and Babel to build out string validated Tailwind classes but leverage the power of Emotion.

Multi List Drag and Drop With react-beautiful-dnd, Immer, and useReducer
Jason BrownJason Brown

Getting setup with drag and drop can be complicated, especially with multiple lists. We'll explore how to use react-beautiful-dnd to create multi-list drag and drops. We'll also use Immer and useReducer to create immutable data structures to simplify and improve the performance of our code.

React Beautiful DNDReact Beautiful DND
Using react-beautiful-dnd with Next.JS
Jason BrownJason Brown

The defacto standard for drag and drop in React is react-beautiful-dnd, however there are some caveats when it comes to using with a server side rendering library like Next.js. One call to resetServerContext in the custom _document will take care of all the issues.

nextjsdrag and drop
Deploy a Next.JS App With Serverless to AWS Lambda
Jason BrownJason Brown

Description: Next.js can be deployed anywhere, and the @sls-next/serverless-component component from Serverless makes it easy to deploy AWS. Using a serverless.yml config and a few environment variables you can deploy to multiple environments like staging, production, or even one off feature branches.

Stripe Webhook Verification with NextJS
Jason BrownJason Brown

Securing your stripe webhooks is essential for preventing bad actors from bypassing payment. NextJS provides an easy way to create API routes, however there are few nuances to get them to play together. Like disabling the body parser and converting the req to a buffer.
